Over years the process involved in SEO has been focused more into link building. A major share of the traffic one gets to their website comes through search engines. SEO plays a very crucial step in Internet Marketing. There are few things to be kept in mind while deciding upon the SEO strategy regarding both on-page and off-page SEO.

The few mistakes to be avoided while doing on-page SEO are:-

Great Content but Poor Keywords Targeting

Are you choosing the right keywords? Keyword research has been always the foremost step for any successful SEO campaign. It seems that keyword research is an easy task but sound knowledge on SEO and understanding the perfect strategy to place the keywords will help you get better backlinks. Right keywords can attract more targeted customers. One of the best tools for Keyword analysis is already given By Google’s Keyword Planner. Secondly, you should be more cautious in understanding competitors’ keywords. Thirdly, try to avoid more generic keywords.


Keyword Stuffing – stay away from the practise!

You should never try stuffing the keywords to manipulate Google’s ranking which is black-hat SEO practice. It can harm your site’s ranking and result in terrible user experience. Google can penalize your site if they find you stuffing certain keywords. If you stuff keywords in the site, the search engine crawler examines your site and its algorithm can find if the keywords you provided are being used multiple times. This might harm your site and drop your rankings. Multiple ways are there to put better keywords. You can use long-tail keywords to spice things up and those keywords are how people actually search the internet.


Not Optimizing your Home Page for Conversion

When the user searches your brand on the search engine, mostly they arrive at the home page. Define your target audience and outline how your web page will look. So, the home page should be well-optimized for the end users. There are issues wherein you have a low conversion rate from the home page. Rectify all the issues occurring on the home page. Try to keep the home page simple but informative. Also, focus on the speed of the website. If the home page loads too slowly, it can you’re your conversions. Quality image and videos will help your website to load easily. Proper headline should be there and moreover, if it’s customer-centric it can create better conversion rate.


Not Optimizing Website for your Mobile Users

Is your site optimized for mobile devices? If not, it has to be properly implemented. Ask why? Because the number of users logging in via mobile has way surpassed the number desktop users with the advent of smartphones and advance in mobile technologies. Mobile users are increasing now and then while desktop users are slightly on the declining edge. Just creating a website won’t serve the purpose, it needs to be mobile responsive. For a better user experience create fluid layouts. Never overcrowd the content on the web page. Only necessary information should be present. Proper navigation buttons should be set, so that mobile users don’t find it difficult to access according to their needs. If you aren’t focusing on proper mobile optimization, you might be missing more number of potential conversions.


Not Focusing on Optimal Content Length

It’s not necessary to flood your website with content. But, more informative the content is along with keywords and necessary backlinks, the more it will appear on the SERPs. Use of images, videos and infographics will add a lasting impression for the users. Use of Call-to-action (CTA) on website pages is necessary to drive traffic.


404 Error Page

The main aim of 404 error page is to keep the visitor on the site even if it doesn’t exist. So, the 404 page shouldn’t be boring and make it creative and interesting. It shouldn’t be too generic that the new users who visit your page leave the site. Take proper time to customize the 404 page with better navigation structure.